How To Create an Amazing WordPress Post

How To Create an Amazing WordPress Post

How to Create an Amazing Worpress Blog Post
How to Create an Amazing WordPress Blog Post

Creating a WordPress Blog Post that is going to achieve an impact in your readers, and deliver the information you want to highlight to them can be sometimes tricky. So follow these simple and easy rules in this imgworkz tutorial to create a wordpress blog post that really works.

How To Create an Amazing WordPress Blog Post That Works

  1. The Headline
    The headline is about grabbing attention. Your header is the first part is going to be read on your post. Use this opportunity to grab the attention of your visitor in a way they are going to be compelled on continue reading on.
  2. The Image
    Its function is, as well, to engage imagination and grab attention, driving people to read your blog post.
  3. The Opening Message
    According to marketing studies, if you get people to read your 3 or 4 first sentences of your post, they are 3 times more likely to read to the end. Keep it short and concise.
  4. The Sub-Headline
    In this part of your wordpress blog post, give your visitors a reason why they should continue reading, what of their interest they are going to find further down.
  5. The Content
    Create an emotional connection with the reader of your blog post. According to marketing studies, when people get emotional they usually pay more attention.
  6. Call To Action
    Create here a call to action by asking the reader to do something giving something in return. Try using an imperative verb in it. A subscribe form, a download or share button, etc.

    Extra Parts*:

  7. Sub Header*
    In your sub header you can talk about the further information that will be given to the reader. The extra tips or methods you are going to mention or explain.
  8. Bonus Content*
    The content and description of what have been mentioned on the sub header. Give your readers easy to implement advices, practical ideas easy to follow.
  9. Call To Action #2*
    New chance to get your visitors to do what you want them to do. A ‘download now’, or subscribe button depending on what you have to offer.